Tuesday, May 12, 2009

California's Water Problem: STATE OF THIRST!!

This semester you have learned a lot about the water crisis all over the world. You have learned how people in South American, and even India, have worked to develop solutions to their various water problems.

Today you will be learning more specifically about the water problem in CALIFORNIA. You are going to watch the video below. While watching the video, you are going to take notes on the paper you have been given. After you have watched the video and taken notes, you are going to retype those notes into a comment on this blog post.

The areas you are going to take notes on include:

According to the video, what is the problem with California’s Water Future?

According to the video, what are some of the challenges to solving this problem?

Based on what you saw in the video, what do you think citizens of California should do about the problem? (List at least three important ideas)

Based on what you saw in the video, what do you think YOU can do? (list at least three important ideas)




Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

Are going to run out of water? Califoria's population is increasing and water is decrasing. 2/3 of California's population is in Southern California and 2/3 of our water is in Northern California. Fish are dieing because of the massive water loss. Most farmers only get 40-50% of the water they were promised. Agricultar uses 80% of our water. Farmers are switching from row crops to higher value crops like grapes, pistachios, or almonds. They can be watered more effiently. The best and most cost effective way to supply water is to conserve water. The best way to conserve is in our garden/yard. Another good way to conserve is to use reclaimed water A.K.A. recycled water. You can drink sewage (there is a process to clean it)! (YUK!!!) Biggest problem is resedents' "YUK! Factor." Cleaning recycled water can be expensive. Another way to get water is desalinasation, which can be really expensive! There will be no single solution!!!!!

Jerish Brown said...

California is running out of water! :O! We need to recycle water via purple pips! We need to inform people abour the water decretion! CA is not in a good situation, and we need to fix it!

aaron said...

The California water preservation needs to get better through low flow equipment and reduction of water use.

Unknown said...

The problem:
as population grows, the water need grows too.
The Challenges:
Water Succulent plants
plant less water intensive plants
Actions i can take:
turn my sprinklers on for only like 2 minutes, not 10

Unknown said...

Our problems include: too much water use for plants and for gardens. Solutions include:cover your pools, less water wasting plants, and DON'T WASTE WATER!!!

Leah gutentag said...

would should recycle water. we are running out and everyone knows it. farmers are going to have to find a better way a using the water that they have. you can plants that are native. we need to spare our water.

Unknown said...

California is running out of water. population is getting larger while water supply is getting smaller. 2/3 of California's population is in the south but 2/3 of our water is in the north. This creates a problem. A solution could be to move 1/3 of the people in the south to the north or viceversa. But this would cost billions of dollars to relocate so many people. Agriculture uses most of our little water. Fortunately, many farmers are growing less water demanding crops. Farmers are also getting less water than they should have gotten. We can save water by using plants that do not need much water in our gardens. There is also desalination. This is cleaning seawater until it is freshwater. But this is very expensive. We can also clean sewage, but one problem is that people generally do not like using sewage. But it is cleaned. The last way to get water is to make it. Combining hydrogen and oxygen. But very expensive.