Hopefully you have all been busy reading your "Action" Packets, and deciding which actions you might convince the adults in your life to take in order to reduce our contribution to global warming. What have you decided? Keep in mind, some actions might be easy to take, but give little benefit. Other actions might be difficult, but might be greatly beneficial.
Keep in mind, people are reluctant to change. Whatever action you choose should be something that they can easily fit into their life, routines, and personalities.
Also remember, we want to convince people to take action, but also to continue to take action. For example, we don't want people to just take a 3 minute shower one time. Rather, we want people to take 3 minute showers from now on. That's when you know you have made a real change, when its not just a one time thing.
So, in response to this post, please do the following (BEFORE 11/8):
---Click on the "comment" tool below
---In the comment box, write your reponse. Which "action" do you think is the easiest one to take, with the biggest benefit? Why do you think so? Be sure to include real examples from your own experience (see the instructions on your homework page).
---After you are done typing, click "other" under the "choose an identity" section. Once you have selected "other", it will give you a space to type in your name. ONLY TYPE YOUR FIRST NAME, and last initial if you share a name with another MASTERS team member (i.e. Sydney G.)
---After typing your name, click "Publish"
once you have clicked publish, your comment will automatically be emailed to Anastasia for approval (just to make sure you didn't type anything silly!). Once your comment is approved, it will appear on the blog. This can take a few minutes, or a couple hours, depending on how close Anastasia is to a computer.
Thanks for completing your homework on time!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
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I think that the article on killing your power on page 32 is most important.It is really easy to do and it doesn't cost anything. I learned that if one-million house holds buy their phantom power load it would have a huge impact. Another reason why I like this article is because it will only take 2 minutes of people's time. That is the one that I think is most important.
1. I think that replacing your lightbulbs would be the easiest to convince peoples of or traackinf your food miles. i think that these would be the easiest because it cost two bucks to buy a six pack of light bulbs, plus you earn money for it. Other ideas such as changing cars or getting rid of your plasma screen are not that easie to convince your parent or friends to do. Who wants to part with their 2 million dollar TV? Seriously, it takes two minutes of your time to buy something 100 miles from your dinner plate or to change your lightbulbs. Simple as pie.
2. I think that these two ideas would be affective because people can't say no to saving energy, their future great great great great however many greats nieces or nefews. You want your niece or nefewe to be able to see a sunlight for lets say 90 years? I do, and I think that it will be simple and effective to convince people to save electricity by changing bulbs (not to mention money. you won't be paying as much on your electricity bills) and to get food grown in the US! Switch to Organic home-grown peoples! it's not that hard to do! You have the spirit lets see you try to help earth. Help our Mother Planet!! I am certain that my dad will take two minutes on Sunday or Saturday to go to the harware store so that we can change our lights. In fact, we might have already changed some. People will find these ideas more apelaing and helpful because most people want to conserve energy and they will do this like lighteneing if they don't have to give away their preciouse idea... By the way, I taught my dad how to turn off the TV while he's eating diner so that the football players don't get sad because nobody is paying them any attention. ;) :)
i think that unpluging your chargers when not in use is an easy thing to remember and it saves a lot of energy.my parents always uplug their chargers and so does my sister.
i also think that it wont be as easy as the chargers but it still might be a little easy to recycle styrafoam.
i think it will be good because most of that styrafoam goes into the ocean.
i also think that morre people should buy their food that is grown in calif.because in all the factories that the food travels to , they burn fuel and that pollutes
our earth.!
grace k.
I think the action that will be the easiest is " Kill Your Phantoms" because then adults will start to buy those extenders and stop wasting money and electricity. If we give adults the information in the packet they will start buying extention cords they will start using less electricity and less money. That is why I think this action is the best.
I think the action that will be the easiest is " Kill Your Phantoms" because then adults will start to buy those extenders and stop wasting money and electricity. If we give adults the information in the packet they will start buying extention cords they will start using less electricity and less money. That is why I think this action is the best.
i think that the article about saving energy with your car is the easiest way to save energy and still get a good result. i support that article because lots of people use cars and they dont know that they can be sdving so much energy if they just do some of the examples in the article. i am going to tell my parents to start doing these actions. my mom says that it wastes more energy turning the car off and on than just staying in stop and go traffic, but these numbers show otherwise. i wish that everyone would try their hardest to try to stop global warming.
The article on page 32 about "Kill Your Phantoms"is in my opinion is the most important and the easiest.It expresses how easy it is to make a huge differense. I know for a fact that my parents don't unplug their cell phone chargers even when they are done useing them.If everyone did little things like that we wouldn't have the big problem of globel warming.
It's great that so many people are trying to conseve energy,but they need help they're not the only ones on this planet.
I think that "Kill Your Phantoms," on page 32, would be the easiest thing to change. It still uses power if you turn off your T.V., so get an extention cord! it only costs a tiny bit of money, and adults who are willing to help stop global warming would have to do the simplest thing to save at least a billion dollars a year for the U.S. with just T.V.s and VCRs being turned COMPLETELY off. SIMPLE!!! -grace s.
I think that unplugging your chargers and appliances when you are not using them, is the easiest thing to do. This is so easy because all you have to do is bend down and pull!!! There is a downside because when you unplug a TV for example it doesn't seem practical - not like a phone charger. So, some things are easier than others. But in the end it makes a big difference.
Another thing thing that triggered my thoughts was the idea of replacing light bulbs. The interesting thing is that if 1,000,000 households changed 4 light bulbs we could save 900,000 tons of green house gases. So,if 250,000 houses changed 12 light bulbs each the result would be the same. This math is endless! My house has more than 44 light bulbs!! My partents should change at least 8 and at least unplug their chargers.
The two things that I think are the easiest to implement are "replace a lightbulb" and "kill your phantoms." I think "replace a lightbulb" is easy because all you have to do is go to the store to buy a CFL bulb (or bulbs), go home, take out your old lightbulb, and put in the new CFL. I think it is not difficult to "kill your phantoms" because all you have to do is plug the electronic devices into a power strip and then it off when they are not in use. Plus, you save money because there is less electricity charged to your electric bill when they are unplugged. These are the two ideas that I think are pretty easy and make a significant impact.
Replacing your lightbulbs with florecents is one of the easiest steps ever. All you have to do is go to the store and replace it. Not only are you saving the world but your electric bill decreases ALOT! Reducing your Phantom Power is also an easy step. Just pll the plug. I think that a lot of people want to help and SAY they want to help but always pass the problem for the others to solve. THese things came make a difference and all you have to do is take some minutes out of your time!
I think that a few of the ideas are easy, but what interests me and inspired me is the idea on page 53. This idea is about recycling computers and it tells about how much CO2 is created when they manufacture computers. (sorry I don't know how to write CO2 the correct way on the computer) This gave me an idea. I recently went to a fundraiser to raise money for children to go to school in Africa. I thought about how SAE 6th Graders use laptops everyday in school and kids in Africa probably don't get the privilage to use computers, while kids here are begging their parrents to buy them the newest coputer for their birthdays. When we recycle coputers so they don't go to waste, we should see if there is a way to donate them to schools in developing nations . This would be a good way to save energy and help children be able to experience laptops if possible.
The easiest way to convince my parents to do their job in reducing carbon emissions is to follow the speed limit and keep the tires pumped up. Other ways but may not be so easy would be asking my parents to take public transportation to work. It's easier in San Francisco then here in LA. Another way but it is not that easy is to ask my family to drive hybrid or electic cars.
i think that we shouldn't use styrofomr becuse its the hardest to reycly. you can recycle it but its the most expensu=ive and the hadest so i dont thnk we should use it.
i think that some people dont do thing as easy to do as unplug there charger or something as small as that CAN make a difference. they might think thant because they are unaware that somthing like that can help save the world, or they could simpley not care beacause it is not efecting them bnut what they should know is it will if they do not try to help.
This is my post for 11-8-07 M.A.S.T.E.R.S class.
Today in class we reviewed the surveys and put them in to graphs. We were supposed to post on how we can change behavoir and make it longlasting. SInce there has not been a new post to leave my comment i am leaving it here:
I think the reason most people are not changing is because they are uneducated or unaware of the damage of our fossil fuel use. A lot of people that are aware though just pass it off as a problem that they can't make a difference for. Many people don't think it of importance because it is not affecting their basic day but in 20 years it will! If we don't do something now there is going to be an even bigger problem. I think if everyone recycled then we can reduce the problem to maybe a little bit more managable size. To make behaviors longer lasting I think we should have more public awareness events and reminders.
I think that the easiest thing to do
would be to convince my parents to unplug appliances and chargers that are not in use.
I also think that it would be easy to remind my parents to check their tires when they get gas to make sure they are filled properly to save gas. this also makes the tires last a lot longer so they don't have to be replaced as often.
I also think that the more I talk about ways to save the more the adults in my life will be aware of the things they can do to help.
When I started talking about light bulbs my parents looked into ordering fixtures for our new house that would save energy. They also came up with an idea to have switches installed for sockets that
will be for charges only, so they can leave everything plugged in and turn off the switch.
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