Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Static Electricity

One of the activities you were assigned for homework had to do with static electricity. Please click the comment button below and post your answers to the questions at the bottom of the activity handout.


Anonymous said...

1. You rub the material on an object, and then see if the object will stick to a neutral thing like a wall, to see if there is static electricity.
2. I have never had my hair crackle from combing it briskly, but I am guessing it would be from static electricity.
3. The carpet zapper is caused by static electricity, because you rub your feet on the carpeting and then touch you hand to something to release the charge.

Anonymous said...

I don't know how to determine it, I do know that some materials have a positive charge and others have a negative one, maybe that is the reason. When your hair is very dry and it has been rubbing against you pillow, the comb breaks the static field. The crackle that we hear when we walk on carpeting is energy and the metal conduct it.

Hannah said...

#1-- You can determine these materials by rubbing them against wool so that the electrons, protons, and neutrons become charged then you can stick it against a netural material and see if it clings.

#2-- Friction between the comb and the hair causes your hair to crackle creating static electricity.

#3-- When you rub your feet against a carpet you create friction and charged particles (static) , if you then touch something metal in conducts the static into electricity and you get Shocked. This is the reason for the crackling noise.

Anonymous said...

1.You can determine which materials rubbed together will cause static electricity by rubbing a material to an object and seeing if the object stick to a wall or a chalkboard.
2.Your hair crackles when you comb it briskly when your hair is very dry (the comb breaks the static field)
3.The crackle that we hear when we walk on carpeting and then touch a metal object is heard because you rub your feet on the carpet and then you touch the metal to release the static electricity you gained by rubbing one thing to another.