Today we shared a LOT of facts about trees. What is your response to those facts? How does learning about the important contributions of trees help make you feel about paper production? about recycling? about the article below on Amazon deforestation?
Review the tree facts from our activity listed below. Then post a comment in response to the questions listed above.
********* TREE FACTS ************
• A mature tree removes 48 pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year from the air (that’s nearly 10 TONS per acre)!!
• The amount of carbon stored yearly by an acre of trees (about the area of a baseball field) is almost equal to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) released by burning 1,000 gallons of gasoline.
• A tree that provide shade and wind protection to buildings can reduce the amount of energy that building will need to stay warm in the winter, or cool in the summer (energy conservation). Because of this, trees next to buildings reduce CO2 emissions 15 times more than just the amount of CO2 that the tree actually stores.
• In ONE year, an acre of trees consumes the amount of CO2 that is produced by a car driving an average of 26,000 miles.
• In ONE year, an acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people to breathe for a year.
• A healthy tree stores about 13 lbs of carbon each year. An acre of trees can store about 2.6 TONS of carbon in a year.
• It takes the wood from a 100 Foot tree to keep the average American supplied for a year with newspaper, books, magazines, tissues, paper towels, housing materials, furniture, desks, fences, boxes and other wood products.
• It takes wood from 100 foot tree to make 613 lbs of paper products
• Over its lifetime, a 100 ft. tree will transpire nearly FIVE MILLION gallons of water (5,000,000) back into the air as part of the water cycle!!!
• Over its lifetime, a 100 ft. tree will keep 100 lbs of nutrients in its wood, and return 200 lbs of nutrients to the soil.
• Over its lifetime, a 100 ft. tree will produce over 6,000 lbs of oxygen!!
• 30% of EVERYTHING we throw away is paper, and 15% of that is newspaper! ONE issue of the Sunday New York Times uses 65,000 Trees!!!!!!!!
Source: The NC Forest Stewardship
65,000 trees for one Sunday issue of the New york times. That is crazy. I am sure that these trees come from a farm but that is still a lot of trees.
We should encourage our parents to read their new on the internet.
There is a program in Israel where you can plant a tree in honor of someone. It is a mitzvah (good deed to plant a tree because of the benifits to the environment.
We should plant more trees in Los Angeles. It might help with the air ploution.
We should also always make sure that we recycle all of our paper.
Trees are really important. Trees give us oxygen. One acre of trees provides 18 people a year with oxygen. Planting trees outside buildings helps to keep wind out and shades the building from sun. So we don't have to use as much energy to heat or cool buildings.
I learned that you should plant trees near buildings to give us oxygen, store CO2 and save energy.
We can do better by not using a lot of trees to make new paper and by recycling paper instead.
My ideas for reducing paper use are we don't waste paper and we should use less paper and trees.
My idea to do a better job of recycling is to talk to people about recycling.
If we don't start reducing our use of paper producs, we will have a lot of trash and we won't have many trees.
I simply cannot believe that ONE
Sunday edition of the New York Times uses 65,000 trees. I will go crazy if anyone tells me how many trees are cut down every Sunday for
that newspaper. Cutting down trees is like throwing 5 tons of oxygen
in the garbage can. How can we do
such a thing?
WOW! We definitely need to stop cutting down trees. I am amazed we do this much. In ONE year, an acre of trees consumes the amount of CO2 that is produced by a car driving an average of 26,000 miles.
Why do we cut down so many trees if they are SOOO helpful? Trees are super SUPER important to our lives. I mean, if it wasn't for trees, none of us would be here right now. They supply oxygen for us and take in CO2 which is really helpful.
I thought these facts were really interesting. I was shocked to learn that that it takes 65,000 trees to make one Sunday edition of the New York Times. I wonder if the newspaper uses paper from new trees or from recycled paper. I wonder if they calculated this number by multiplying the number of pages in a Sunday paper by the number of editions printed each Sunday, and then calculated how many trees would be needed for this amount of paper. I am hoping the NY Times actually uses recycled paper, and hopefully this would mean the number of trees cut down would actually be lower.
I think that it amazing that an acre of trees in one year can produce enough oxygen for a year for 18 people. That is really amazing but it is scary because so many trees are being cut down so often. I never knew that trees can consume CO2. We really need to do something and fast and I think if it means getting in touch with a paper making company that is what we need to do.
WOW! These facts made me think: "Wow, how is this possibal" or "65,000 trees for one Sunday issue of the New york times, That is outrageous"
Wow this is very cool,one issue of the new york time is 65,000 trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Wow! The facts really make me think about how much we do to hurt our trees and the Earth.
2) It makes me think that we are going to kill our selves by doing this! If the trees give off oxygen then I mean to say, how the heck are we going to breath???!!!
3) It really makes me feel bad about all those times I just was careless and either put something that was recyclable in the trash or I put something that was trash in the recycling.
4) If we can deforest that then we are in deep trouble!!!
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