In today's MASTERS class, you watched the video, "The Story of Stuff" by Annie Leonard. In the video, we learned all about the five stages that involve the "life" of a product:
Next week, we will be going to the Santa Monica Recycling Center to see first hand how part of the "Disposal" stage works in our area. We want to be able to ask the recycling center volunteer some really great questions based on what we have learned from both the video, and also some other resources.
To come up with some good questions, please visit the following websites to learn more about the "Disposal" stage:
As you read through some of the websites, think about the ways we could encourage more responsible "disposal" behaviors in our own Seven Arrows community.
Write your questions and thoughts in response to this post on the blog.
how long does the proses take?
what are synthetic chemical?
what pillous have that in it?
how long would it take to stop?
how long does the proses take?
what are synthetic chemical?
what pillous have that in it?
how long would it take to stop?
1]What happens to the color on soda
bottles when melted?
2]Do people burn trash?
3]Does the goverment make things personaly that you have to throw away and get newer version of it,
for money?
1) Why do people sell toxic products?
2) Why don't they test their toxic products before they sell them for health reasons?
3) how many trees are being cut down each year?
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