Today we watched Part 1 of the movie: Trashed.
“Trashed” is a provocative investigation of one of the fastest growing industries in North America. The garbage business. The film examines a fundamental element of modern American culture…the disposal of what our society defines as “waste.” It is an issue influenced by every American, most of whom never consider the consequences. Nor, it seems, the implications to our biosphere. At times humorous, but deeply poignant, “Trashed” examines the American waste stream fast approaching a half billion tons annually.
The film analyzes the causes and effects of the seemingly innocuous act of “taking out the garbage” while showcasing the individuals, activists,corporate and advocacy groups working to affect change and reform the current model. “Trashed” is an informative and thought-provoking film everyone interested in the future of sustainability should see.
Considering what you've seen so far, consider the following questions and post your reply:
What are the effects all this waste will have on already strained natural resources?
Why is so much of it produced?
While every American creates almost 5 pounds of it every day, who is affected most?
And who wants America to make more?
1.If this goes on the earth will
be polluted and wasteful.
2.There is so much produced because
we think it is right to waste important things, but now we are trying your best to stop it.
3.I think every person who is throwing away trash is affected.
4. People that are wasteful and are not caring about the wild life
are making more trash.
1.Some examples of the effects that trash has on us are:We burry trash in natural resources poisoning the rivers,and then another effect is burning methane gas into the world contributes to global warming.
2.So much trash is produced because many people dont recycle enough and we dont really think when we use paper, plastic and other materials.
3. The things that are affected most are us and the earth.
4.The government are the people who want America and the trash companies to make more money.
The people in the future will be affected most because there will be even more trash than now, and there will be landfills every where.
Facts from the movie we watched on 1/13/09
-17% of land is untouched by humans
-83% of land is effected by humans
-each person uses over 40,000 cans of soda in a lifetime
-3,796 diapers over a diaper lifetime
-1,898 pints of crude oil to make diapers for one child
-715 pounds of plastic to supply for one child's diapers
-4-1/2 trees to supply for one child's diapers
-22,000+ gallons of water a year to wash reusable diapers per child
-13,056 pints of milk in a lifetime per person
-1,649,630,427 lbs of food is consumed everyday in the U.S.
-350 pieces of pizza is consumed every second in the U.S.
-14,518 pounds of candy bars per person per year
-1,056 pounds of sugar per person per year
-28,433 showers per person per lifetime
-17% of the land is unaffected by humans.
-83% is effected by humans
- 40,000 cans of soda per person in a life time
- 3,796 dippers over a dipper life time
- 1,898 pints of oil to make dippers for one child
-715 lbs of plastic for dippers for one child
important facts u should know
1.17% of the earths land is untouched.
2.1,898 pints of crude oil is used for one babys diapers for a year.
3.19,826 Eggs will be eaten by a human in that humans lifetime.
1. Humans directly effect 83% of the earth's land.
2. Babies wear 3,796 diapers per lifetime
3. 1,898 pints of oil are in diapers for 1 baby.
4. 715 pounds of plastic are diapers for one baby.
5. 4 1/2 trees are used for one baby diaper.
6. 1 person drinks 13,056 pints of milk in their lifetime.
7. 1,649,630,427 pounds of food are consumed by 1 person in their lifetime.
8. 19,826 eggs are consumed by one person in their lifetime.
9. 4,376 loaves of bread are consumed per person per lifetime.
10. 14,518 pounds of candy is consumed by one person in their lifetime.
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