Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Selecting New Members for our Team...

Today you have learned something new about what it means to apply for a special group. You have reviewed all of the incredible applications that our 4th and 5th graders have submitted. You have used a very detailed scoring guide to assign a point value to each application. And --you have made the tough choices about which applicants you would recommend to be part of the MASTERS team.

We would like to know more about what you have learned about this process, and what it means to be an "Admissions Director".

Please reflect on today's lesson and respond to the following questions in the blog:

1. How did it feel to be the applicant reviewer, instead of the applicant?

2. What was difficult about reviewing the applications? What was exciting?

3. What have you learned about the process of selecting new members for the MASTERS team?

4. Why do you think it was important for you to be part of the review process?

Thank you for your thoughtful answers!


Anonymous said...

1. i felt so good to not be the one worrieing about like, will i get in or will i not, and like your taking place in like seeing what people said and not the other person and stuff like that.

2. i thought it was kinda exiting like i mean that it was, like fun to not be the person who wrote it but be the person that is like grading it . it was fun.

3. i have learned how like the teachers feal when there doing theis or like who ever does it. i have like also learned more on like being a team in this like when we good to middle school or like any other school, i now what they are doing like pretend that was my applecation. thats what they would probly do.

4. i think it was important because it like the expereience of doing it and like its just kinda fun and you also need more that one persons thaoghts if u are grading somthing like this like it just probly wont com out right if just you or me did it.

Anonymous said...

Being the applicant reviewer was very fun. I felt like I was the principle of the school or thew Hierarchy of the school.

The thing that was hard about the applicants was reading all of the answers to the questions that they put in. The thing that's exciting about reading the applicants is that I don't know who's answers I am reading.

I learned that it takes a lot of hard work selecting applicants. Now I know how it feels to be the person to read the essays when I apply to middle schools.

I think it is important to be part of the review procces because one person can't do it so I feel like I'm doing a lot.

Anonymous said...

1} being a applicant reviewer was way funner than being a applicant because i didnt feel the presure of answering with the perfect answer.
2} To me it was a bit difficult on revewing the applications because i felt like the person was right in front of me while i was reviewing and i didnt want to be to harsh on the applicant.
3} I learned that you must really put your mind in the application and dig through the answer to see that what the person said is true, as well as having to feel that they really care about the environment.
4} I think it was important to be part of reviewing the papers because as being 6th graders we are the new leaders and our voice or what we say is an important part of this program. AS well because the teachers might choose some one that we think wont give a clam about the environment and the people who live in it.

Anonymous said...

1. it felt great to not have the same pressure. the problem is that i had a whole new pressure.

2. cosing which applicants was hard word because some appicants were very thourough, some not at all, and the hardest ones were the okay ones. it was exciting becsause i got to read people's inner thoughts.

3. i learned that chosing applicants to be part of the MASTERS program can be difficault and exciting with lots of pressure and thinking. i accually felt like a school taking a application from someone else.

4. i think it is important to be part of the review process because we are the ones who will be working with these people and also, since we are learning to be leeders, we need to learn how to give criticism.

Sydney and Hannah said...

1. I think it was cool to see what other people said. I learned that a lot of SAE students in 4th and 5th are into community service which I find very interesting. I liked that I didn't have to apply. The feeling that you did so much hard work and somebody else thinks you didn't so you are going to be rejcted is not such a good feeling, so it was good I didn't have to go through having that feeling.

2. It was difficult to decide which applications were the best. It was also difficult to give somebody a 1. I didn't want to be that harsh, but you have to do what you have to do. It was exciting to see what other people say.

3. I learned that it takes time and effort just to find out who your top 9 are. I don't know if I would want to do this for a living.

4. I think it was important for us to do this because we had to see how other students are thinking. We also learned how applicant reviewers decide who to accept.

Anonymous said...

I think it was a new experiance for us all to be the ones scoring the aplications and it was interesting to be thinking in the shoes of adminastration directer and I learned a lot on how i will be graded sending out my applications to middel school. I learned desire plays a large role in bieng accepted to a program or school. This gave me a great sense of how thorough and complete i should make my applications in the future

Anonymous said...

To be able to read other peoples takes one the application was really cool. My application i saw was very different then a lot of the ones that we read. I also was supprized by how much time it seemed that some people put in there application. i loved to read and juge all of the different application.

Anonymous said...

By reding all of the application i got to learn a lot about how people are picked to be in the MASTERS programe. I learned that they read them and then juge in 5 different areas of interenst that they looking for, like leadership and theroniss. Then they put a score from 1 to 3 and pick on. When they are finished with that they add all 5 of the answers and marks it down.

Anonymous said...

1.It felt kind of good because I wasn't trying to come up with good answeres. I was reviwing someone elses. It was nice to know also that thanks to my jujment and the rest of the class', someone will get their wish and be able to be part of the masters program.

2.Some of the parts that were difficult was deciding who to put on the top 9 best applicant sheet. I really didn't want to know that partly because of my choice, someone who wanted so badly to be part of the program and didn't know how to put it on paper got a note saying, 'sorry, you flunked.' It was exiting when we got to grade the papers and decide wether somebody didn't really want to come to masters and just filled in the application because their mom said it was going to be good for them or if someone really had a passion to make a difference. It was also fun trying to guess who had writen the paper. Most of the ones that got good scores we thought were girls.

3.I learned that you have to be carful with your choices because not all people really mean what they write or say. You have to be aware of what you decide. Who knows if our choices will make a great impact on the people who filled in the application. We just have to wait and see. We'll find out who gets in after the interviews.

4.I think it was important so that we could have a chance to be able to choose who our allies would be. A lot of the time adults pick who you work with and I think that we did this so that we had a chance to make an impact on the choices. I am already anticapating on who my partners will be.

Anonymous said... felt fine but it also felt weired because i am used to appliying to stuff than rewiewing it.

2.the difficult part was....well there wasn't really a difficult part but it was exciting knowing that you had a persons (MASTERS) carrer in your hands.

3.You have to really be orginized and really take your time to look through the selections.

Seany Rotten said...

I liked being the person who chose who was in other than being the person who was aplying becasue i didnt have to be worried about doing the write answers.

When i was choosing the aplicants it as difficult becaus ei felt bad for whoever wasnt going to get in and it was up to all of us too choose. i happy no one gets to see who wrote it.

I learned that choosing aplicant for the MASTERS programs was difficult and it was exciting seeing what people who werent in our 6th grade class wrote and knowing that who did the best would eb in our MASTERS program for the rest of the year.

I think thats its important choosing this stuff so that we know who we will bw wiht and we know how capible of doing these things. Even thouhg we didnt get to see them when it comes to the point where we meet them we will kinda get an idea of who we chose.

Anonymous said...

1. it felt a good because we had the power over something important. i felt like a leader.

2. It was sort of difficult because you were torn bettwen what score you should give them on the applicants applications.

3.You have to really be orginized, thoughtful of your scores that you chosse for the application, and be on top of you job. is important because with out 1 person it would not be a complete team and we would not be able to complete the task we had done.

Anonymous said...

1. It felt kind of odd because in 1 or 2 months, it will be another way around. It also felt odd because those kids we interviewed probably thought we were so big and important, and we don't think that at all.

2. Well, it was kind of exciting, but it also felt odd and sort of wierd. Itt's hard to explain. It feels like a little too much power.

3. I've learned some of the hard decisions that an admissions direcor has to go through, like deciding who to accept and who to turn away or dissapoint.

4. I think it was importantt for me to be part of the process so we could know what to expect when we get interviewed to go to new schools, and more importantly, so we can know what the interviewer is probably thinking and how to make a good impression on thhem.