Thursday, January 31, 2008

Solar Energy: Show us you know!

Over the past few weeks in Ms. Hiss' groups, your group has been participating in a variety of experiments related to the production of electricity from solar energy.

We want you to think about what you have experienced and learned so far.

Consider these questions:

What's the connection between the experiments you've been doing in Ms. Hiss' group and the production of solar energy?

What is moving? How fast is it moving?

What is the relationship between heat and the movement of electrons? How is this related to the energy from the sun?


Anonymous said...

weve been larning about electrons and how that is in charge of elec tricity. i think it is important because electrons manage to get from the sun to here(93,000,000 miles)in only 9 miniuts! And thats how we get our electricity.

Sean Nicholson

Anonymous said...

I've learned about electrons in MASTERS and how they turn the suns rays (which are 93 million miles away) into electricity. It happens in nine minutes, which is a really short time to get all that electricity we have.

Anonymous said...

i predict that the black paper with out a cap will be the hottest because the lid might block the sun from it. The black one with a cap will be second because it would obsorbe the sun but it will get blocked by the lid. The white one with out a lid will be third because it reflects but with out a lid it will not reflect as much. And the oter white one will be not so hot.

Anonymous said...

The connection is that we are learning about heat and electrons, and solar energy uses heat and electrons.
Electrons are moving and they are moving 93,000,000 miles per 9 minutes!

Anonymous said...

In MASTERS I learned about electricity. I learned how the sun, which is 93 million miles away, can travel here in ONLY 9 MINUTES and we can use it as electricity. I find that a very fast speed, and it's very interesting.

Anonymous said...

In MASTERS we have learned about electrons. Electrons move constantly from one atom to another. They are super super duper fast! A demonstration is that the electrons from the sun (93 million miles away) take 9 minutes to reflect of Earth. The reason for their fast moving is their weight. They weigh so little it doesn't take long at all.

Anonymous said...

We get electricity from the sun (which is 93,000,000 miles away) in a mere nine minutes. But how? here is the answer: An explosion occurrs on the surface of the sun. An electron is hurled off into space at light speed, heated to over 12,000 degrees. and nine minutes later, it is shinimg down on our doorstep, transformed into light.

Anonymous said...

Prediction:I think that with the "no cover white" the electrons will make the the temperature shoot up, because the light dosen't have to go through anything.
Prediction:I think that the "no cover black"is going to be even hotter faster because dark obsorbes lightraelly quickly.Also it's going to be faster then with a cover because, there will be nothing to go through.
Prediction:I think that the "white with cover"will be slower then "white no cover ",because it has somthing to go through.
prediction:I think that the "black no cover" will be slower then ",black without cover"because it has something to to go through, but it will be faster then "white with cover", because dark obsorbes light faster.

Anonymous said...

In MASTERS with Ms. Hiss, we have been learning about solar energy, but mostly atoms. There are three parts of the atom; electrons, nutrons, and protons. We have learned that it is the electrons that move from atom to atom each time they are detached from another atom. An example that we learned about is how the electrons travel from the sun. The sun is about 93 million miles away and the electrons travel to earth in a short nine minutes. How the heck ca they do that? On the su there is a giant explosion which sends electrons shooting through space at amazing speeds. Due to there minute weight, they are able to reach earth, fully converted into sunlight.