Here are some great pictures from our trip-- ENJOY!
I think this picture "says" it all!!
Before we can tour the plant, we have to put on our fashionable hairnets and hard hats!

At last we are on the tram and ready to go!

Below are the containers where bacteria, feeding on the solid waste, create methane gas. The methane gas is then piped next door to the Scattergood Power Plant, where it is converted into electricty. The electricity is then piped back to Hyperion, to power nearly all of their operations! It's amazing to think that this giant waste treatment plant, with all its energy needs, takes almost nothing from the main power grid!

So what did you think about the Hyperion Power Plant? What did you learn? Feel free to post your thoughts and comments (all appropriate of course!) in response to this post!
The hyperion plant was a pretty intresting place except it was really really ect. stinky. I kind of got scared when the steam was shooting out. I thougt the coolest thing there was the things they found in the egg things.
The thing that i rebember most about the plant is when we saw how they clean the water that they get every day. They clean by basically having a little gate go threw the water so that all the disgusting stuff can stick to it. Then a claw like thing scrapes up all the disgusting things.
Here are my comments on the MASTERS trip to hyperian Plant. I learned a lot(a little too much).It smelled A LOT. I learned that the workers even have found 20,50,and100 dolar bills.They have found a bowling ball, a17ft. long pole, a few diamond rings even some body parts.It was interesting that th ey only clean the water once that goes the ocean.
Here is my highlights on the field trip to the hyperion pwer plant. When we first got there we went into a the confrense room. We talked a lot about the Plant. we also watched a movie about the plantation.Then we had to put on hair nets and used helmats. We took a tour of the plant. Even though it smelled a LOT I still learned a lot. I learned that everything in the man holes on the street goes to the plant. they have found everything from bottle caps to body parts in there. I also learned how the water is cleaned and what kind of people work at the plant.
At the Hyperion Plant it was very interesting that it runs on its own methane. and that covers over 80% of the plants power. but it smelled so bad i just wanted to die, like i would never work there, it smells evan from outside the plant, i think its toxic, it feels like it will kill like birds going past.
the thing i will remmber the most about the place besides the smel is the the eggs clean the water so you can use it for things like watering, and erigation.
I learned that the water on Earth is the water on Earth- so we might be drinking distilled dinosaur pee.
It was STINKY.
I learned that we use biosolids to fertilizer fields in our community that grow grain for cows and other animals. I also learned that the methane gas the bacteria releases while feeding on the waste is used to power the plant. The methane gas is sent to the energy plant next door where it is converted to usable electricity for the Hyperian to use. The hyperian runs on poop. I thought that was pretty cool.
I thought it was really cool! (but it was a little stinky.) I learned that they use some of leftovers to grow plants. they also can use it for energy for people neer by.
So what did you think about the Hyperion Power Plant? I thought that the power plant was amazing. Even though our guide said that it was supposed to be beautiful, i don't really think it was. It was ginormouse thogh. I thought that the expirience was awsom, but stinky.
What did you learn? I learned how much water that people actually use and how hard it must be to controll the plant. Imagine pumping water through and fixing pipes twenty-four seven! I feel bad for people who work on the night shift. I also learned what happens to the trash and waste that is found in the water. After it has all been processe, people actually use the result for farming.
This was a spectacular expirience, and despite being stinky, I had lots of fun.
Happy valentines day!!!
What was most memorable about the Hyperiqan Waste Treatment Plant (other than the "foul" air) was the fact that the 350,000,000 gallons of waste that the plant takes in provides 60% of the power there. It is the largest plant in California. The plant uses bacteria to reduce the amount of "solids", and then cooks the rest. It's amazing!
At the hyperion plant our guide, Nancy showed us how the trash gets seperated from the water. I really lerned alot!!!!!!!!!
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